Mrs. Halvorson

Hi fam,

I miss you all and look forward to when we can be back together creating in the studio! Please stay safe and healthy while taking some time to rest and enjoy your family while you're learning at home.

Our Continued Learning assignments, ZOOM class meeting links, and Office Hours are updated through our Google Classroom for each course: Drawing (class code: gzsivhg), Exploration (class code: izw3lc3), Fibers (class code: g7usqxi), Fine Art 7-4 (class code: xusarvw), Painting (class code: 6lplak6), and 3-D Design (class code: b5mfoes). Please log in to keep yourself engaged and learning. Don't forget to log in for attendance each school day.

Can't wait to (virtually) see you all soon!

Mrs. Halvorson